CSM News
Electronic Edition
Volume 7, number 10
October 12, 1996

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Developmental Signal Transduction Pathways Uncovered by Genetic

Gad Shaulsky, Ricardo Escalante and William F. Loomis*

Center for Molecular Genetics, Department of Biology
University of California San Diego, La Jolla, CA 92093

Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.  in press


   We have found conditions for saturation mutagenesis by restriction
enzyme mediated integration (REMI) that result in plasmid tagging of
disrupted genes. Using this method we selected for mutations in genes
that act at check points downstream of the intercellular signaling
system that controls encapsulation in Dictyostelium discoideum.  One
of these genes, mkcA, is a member of the MAP-kinase cascade family
while the other, regA, is a novel bi-partite gene homologous to
response regulators in one part and to cyclic nucleotide
phosphodiesterases in the other part. Disruption of either of these
genes results in partial suppression of the block to spore formation
resulting from the loss of the prestalk genes, tagB and tagC. The
products of the tag genes have conserved domains of serine proteases
attached to ATP driven transporters suggesting that they process and
export peptide signals.  Together, these genes outline an
intercellular communication system that coordinates organismal shape
with cellular differentiation during development.


Interaction of a Dictyostelium member of the plastin/fimbrin family
with actin filaments and actin-myosin complexes

Josef Prassler, Susanne Stocker, Gerard Marriott, Manfred Heidecker,
Josef Kellermann, and Guenther Gerisch

Max-Planck-Institut f=FCr Biochemie, D-82152 Martinsried, Germany

Molecular Biology of the Cell, in press.


   A protein purified from cytoskeletal fractions of Dictyostelium
discoideum proved to be a member of the fimbrin/plastin family of
actin-bundling proteins. Like other family members, this
Ca2+-inhibited 67 kDa protein contains two EF-hands followed by two
actin-binding sites of the a-actinin/=DF-spectrin type. Dd plastin
interacted selectively with actin isoforms: it bound to D. discoideum
actin and to b/g-actin from bovine spleen, but not to a-actin from
rabbit skeletal muscle. Immunofluorescence labelling of growth-phase
cells showed accumulation of Dd plastin in cortical structures
associated with cell surface extensions. In the elongated, streaming
cells of the early aggregation stage, Dd plastin was enriched in the
front regions.  In order to examine how the bundled actin filaments
behave in myosin II-driven motility, complexes of F-actin and Dd
plastin were bound to immobilized heavy meromyosin, and motility was
started by photoactivating caged ATP. Actin filaments were immediately
propelled out of bundles or even larger aggregates, and moved on the
myosin as separate filaments. This result shows that myosin can
disperse an actin network when it acts as a motor, and sheds light on
the dynamics of protein-protein interactions in the cortex of a motile
cell where myosin II and Dd plastin are simultaneously present.


Cellulose microfibrils, cell motility, and plasma membrane protein
organization change in parallel during culmination in Dictyostelium

Mark J. Grimson, Candace H. Haigler, and Richard L. Blanton

Department of Biological Sciences, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX

J. Cell Science, in press


   Prestalk cells of Dictyostelium discoideum contribute cellulose to
two distinct structures, the stalk tube and the stalk cell wall,
during culmination.  This paper demonstrates by freeze fracture
electron microscopy that two distinct types of intramembrane particle
aggregates, which can be characterized as cellulose microfibril
terminal complexes, occur in the plasma membranes of cells
synthesizing these different forms of cellulose.  The same terminal
complexes were observed in situ in developing culminants and in vitro
in monolayer cells induced to synthesize the two types of cellulose.
We propose that cessation of cell motility is associated with a change
in packing and intramembrane mobility of the particle aggregates,
which cause a change in the nature of the cellulose synthesized.  The
terminal complexes are compared to those described in other organisms
and related to the previous hypothesis of two modes of cellulose
synthesis in Dictyostelium.


[End CSM News, volume 7, number 10]