Electronic Edition
Volume 30, number 11
March 28, 2008

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Filopodia formation induced by active mDia2/Drf3

1Jennifer Block, 2Theresia E.B. Stradal , 2Jan Haenisch, 3Robert Geffers, 
4Stefan A. Koestler, 4Edit Urban, 4J. Victor Small, 1,*Klemens Rottner, 
and 5,*Jan Faix

1Cytoskeleton Dynamics Group, 
2Signalling and Motility Group, 
3Mucosal Immunity Group, Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research (HZI), 
Inhoffen Strasse 7, D-38124 Braunschweig, Germany; 
4Institute of Molecular Biotechnology, Austrian Academy of Sciences, 
Dr. Bohr Gasse 3, A-1030 Vienna, Austria; 
5Institute for Biophysical Chemistry, Hannover Medical School, 
Carl-Neubergstr. 1, D-30623 Hannover, Germany.

*Corresponding authors

Filopodia are rod-shaped cell surface protrusions composed of a parallel 
bundle of actin filaments. Since filopodia frequently emanate from 
lamellipodia, it has been proposed that they form exclusively by the 
convergence and elongation of actin filaments generated in lamellipodia 
networks. However, filopodia form without Arp2/3-complex, which is 
essential for lamellipodia formation, indicating that actin filaments 
in filopodia may be generated by other nucleators. Here we analysed the 
effects of ectopic expression of GFP-tagged full length or a 
constitutively active variant of the human formin mDia2/Drf3. In 
contrast to the full-length molecule, which did not affect cell 
behaviour and was entirely cytosolic, active Drf3 lacking the 
C-terminal regulatory region (Drf3DelDAD) induced the formation of 
filopodia and accumulated at their tips. Low expression of Drf3DelDAD 
induced rod-shaped or tapered filopodia, whereas overexpression resulted 
in multiple, club-shaped filopodia. The clubs were filled with densely 
bundled actin filaments, whose number but not packing density decreased 
further away from the tip. Interestingly, clubs frequently increased in 
width after protrusion beyond the cell periphery, which correlated with 
increased amounts of Drf3DelDAD at their tips. These data suggest 
Drf3-induced filopodia form and extend by de novo nucleation of actin 
filaments instead of convergent elongation. Finally, Drf3DelDAD also 
induced the formation of unusual, lamellipodia-like structures, which 
contained both lamellipodial markers and the prominent filopodial protein 
fascin. Microarray analyses revealed highly variable Drf3 expression levels 
in different commonly used cell lines, reflecting the need for more 
detailed analyses of the functions of distinct formins in actin 
cytoskeleton turnover and different cell types.

Submitted by: Jan Faix [faix@bpc.mh-hannover.de]

Interactions between myosin and actin crosslinkers control cytokinesis 
contractility dynamics and mechanics. 

Reichl E.M., Ren Y., Morphew M.K., Delannoy M., Effler J.C., Girard K.D., 
Divi S., Iglesias P.A., Kuo S.C. and Robinson D.N.

Curr. Biol. 2008; 18(7), in press.

Introduction: Contractile networks are fundamental to many cellular functions, 
particularly cytokinesis and cell motility.  Contractile networks depend on 
myosin-II mechanochemistry to generate sliding force on the actin polymers.  
However, to be contractile, the networks must also be crosslinked by 
crosslinking proteins and to change the shape of the cell, the network 
must be linked to the plasma membrane.  Discerning how this integrated 
network operates is essential for understanding cytokinesis contractility 
and shape control.  Here, we analyzed the cytoskeletal network that drives 
furrow ingression in Dictyostelium.

Results: We establish that the actin polymers are assembled into a meshwork 
and that myosin-II does not assemble into a discrete ring in the Dictyostelium 
cleavage furrow of adherent cells.   We show that myosin-II generates regional 
mechanics by increasing cleavage furrow stiffness and slows furrow ingression 
during late cytokinesis as compared to myoII nulls.  Actin crosslinkers 
dynacortin and fimbrin similarly slow furrow ingression and contribute to 
cell mechanics in a myosin-II-dependent manner.  Using FRAP, we show that the 
actin crosslinkers have slower kinetics in the cleavage furrow cortex than in 
the pole, that their kinetics differ between wild type and myoII null cells, 
and that the protein dynamics of each crosslinker correlate with its impact 
on cortical mechanics. 

Conclusions: These observations suggest that myosin-II along with actin 
crosslinkers establish local cortical tension and elasticity, allowing for 
contractility independent of a circumferential cytoskeletal array.  
Furthermore, myosin-II and actin crosslinkers may influence each other as 
they modulate the dynamics and mechanics of cell shape change. 

Submitted by: Doug Robinson [dnr@jhmi.edu]
[End dictyNews, volume 30, number 11]