Dicty News
Electronic Edition
Volume 18, number 11
June 15, 2002

Please submit abstracts of your papers as soon as they have been
accepted for publication by sending them to dicty@northwestern.edu.

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information is available at DictyBase--http://dictybase.org.

  Position Available

Research Assistant 1A, Department of Biological Sciences, Imperial 
College of Science, Technology and Medicine

Salary range 19,681 - 21,503 plus 2,134 London Allowance per annum

Our Cell Dynamics group is located in the Sir Alexander Fleming Building, 
South Kensington campus which offers excellent research facilities in 
modern laboratories, including state-of the-art instrumentation.

Applications are invited for the post of Research Assistant 1A 
(postdoctoral level) in our young and dynamic group to study the molecular 
and cellular functions of a myosin I in actin polymerisation, cell cortex 
dynamics and motility. Our aim is to understand the cellular and molecular 
mechanims of cell motility, and particularly the function of actin-
dependent molecular motors. We previously demonstrated that MyoK, a class 
I myosin from Dictyostelium, plays an important role in the maintenance of 
cell cortex tension, motility and phagocytosis. As the components of the 
complex machineries involved are evolutionarily conserved, their molecular 
and cellular dissection in Dictyostelium is directly relevant to unravel 
their functional importance in higher organisms. A description of this 
and other projects of the group is available at: 


The candidate should be motivated and enthusiastic about this area of 
research. Proficiency in a variety of techniques, including cell culture, 
single cell assays, genetic screenings, recombinant protein expression, 
biophysical and enzymatic assays, and in a range of standard molecular 
biology and biochemistry methods will be a determining asset for the 
successful candidate.

For further details, please contact Dr. Thierry Soldati, Department of 
Biological Sciences, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, 
Exhibition Road, London, SW7 2AZ. E-mail t.soldati@ic.ac.uk. To apply, 
please, send a full CV, a description of current research and interests, 
and the name of two referees at the same address. Closing date July 15.

The work is supported by a BBSRC Research Grant for 3 years. The position 
is available immediately or upon other agreement.

The College is committed to equality of opportunity.


Visualising PI3 kinase mediated cell-cell signalling during Dictyostelium 

Dirk Dormann, Gerti Weijer, Carole A. Parent, Peter N. Devreotes and 
Cornelis J. Weijer 

Current Biology, in press 

Background.  Starving amoebae of Dictyostelium discoideum communicate by 
relaying extracellular cAMP signals, which direct chemotactic movement, 
resulting in the aggregation of thousands of cells into multicellular 
aggregates. Both cAMP relay and chemotaxis require the activation of PI3 
kinase signalling. The spatio-temporal dynamics of PI3 kinase signalling 
can be followed in individual cells via the cAMP induced membrane 
recruitment of a GFP tagged PH-domain containing protein, CRAC, which is 
required for the activation of adenylylcyclase.

Results.  We show that polarised periodic CRAC-GFP translocation occurs 
during the aggregation and mound stages of development in response to 
periodic cAMP signals. The duration of CRAC translocation to the membrane 
is determined by the duration of the rising phase of the cAMP signal. The 
system shows fast adaptation and responds to the rate of change of the 
extracellular cAMP concentration. When the cells are in close contact it 
takes 10 seconds for the signal to propagate from one cell to the next. 
In slugs all cells show a permanent polarised PI3 kinase signalling in 
their leading edge, which is dependent on cell-cell contact. 

Conclusions.  Measuring the redistribution of GFP tagged CRAC has enabled 
us to study the dynamics of PI3 kinase mediated cell-cell communication 
at the individual cell level in the multicellular stages of Dictyostelium 
development. This approach should also be useful to study the interactions 
between cell-cell signalling, cell polarisation and movement in the 
development other organisms. 


Dictyostelium mobile elements: strategies to amplify in a compact genome

Thomas Winckler(1), Theodor Dingermann(1) and Gernot Glckner(2)

(1) Institut fuer Pharmazeutische Biologie, Universitaett Frankfurt/M. 
(Biozentrum), Marie-Curie-Strasse 9, D-60439 Frankfurt am Main, Germany and 
(2) IMB Jena, Department of Genome Analysis, Beutenbergstrasse 11, D-07745 
Jena, Germany

Review, Cell. Mol. Life Sci., in press

Dictyostelium discoideum is a eukaryotic microorganism that is attractive for 
the study of  fundamental biological phenomena such as cell-cell 
communication, formation of multicellularity, cell differentiation, and 
morphogenesis. Large-scale sequencing of the D. discoideum genome has 
provided new insights into evolutionary strategies evolved by transposable 
elements (TEs) to settle in compact microbial genomes and to maintain active 
populations over evolutionary time. The high gene density (about 1 gene/2.6 
kb) of the D. discoideum genome leaves limited space for selfish molecular 
invaders to move and amplify without causing deleterious mutations that 
eradicate their host. Targeting of tRNA gene loci appears to be a generally 
successful strategy for TEs residing in compact genomes to insert away from 
coding regions. In D. discoideum tRNA gene-targeted retrotransposition has 
evolved independently at least three times by both non-long terminal repeat 
(LTR) retrotransposons and retrovirus-like LTR retrotransposons. Unlike the 
nonspecifically inserting D. discoideum TEs, which have a strong tendency to 
insert into preexisting TE copies and form large and complex clusters near 
the ends of chromosomes, the tRNA gene-targeted retrotransposons have managed 
to occupy 75% of the tRNA gene loci spread on chromosome 2 and represent 80% 
of the TEs recognized on the assembled central 6.5 Mb part of chromosome 2. 
In this review we update the available information about D. discoideum TEs 
which emerges both from previous work and current large-scale genome 
sequencing with special emphasis on the fact that tRNA genes are principle 
determinants of retrotransposon insertions into the D. discoideum genome.


Ga-Mediated Inhibition of Developmental Signal-Response

Joseph A. Brzostowski, Cynthia Johnson + and Alan R. Kimmel

Laboratory of Cellular and Developmental Biology, NIDDK (Bldg. 50/3351) 
National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD 20892-8028.  +The University of 
Texas Southwestern Medical Center Dallas, TX 75390. ark@helix.nih.gov

Current Biology, in press.


Background: Seven-transmembrane receptor (7-TMR)-G protein networks are 
molecular sensors of extracellular signals in all eukarya. These pathways 
cycle through activated (sensitized) and inhibited (de-sensitized) states, 
and, while many of the molecular components for signal activation have been 
described, inhibitory mechanisms are not well characterized. In Dictyostelium, 
7-TM cAMP receptors direct chemotaxis and development, but also regulate the 
periodic synthesis of their own ligand, the chemoattractant/morphogen cAMP. 
We now demonstrate through loss-of-function, gain-of -function studies that 
the novel heterotrimeric Ga9 protein subunit regulates an inhibitory pathway 
during early Dictyostelium development for cAMP signal-response.

Results: ga9-null cells form more cAMP signaling centers, are more resistant 
to compounds that inhibit cAMP signaling, and complete aggregation sooner and 
at lower cell densities than wild-type. These phentoypes are consistent with 
the loss of an inhibitory signaling pathway during development of ga9-null 
cells. Cells expressing constitutively activated Ga9 are defective in cAMP 
signal center formation and development at low cell density and display an 
increased sensitivity to cAMP signal inhibition that is characteristic of 
enhanced suppression of cAMP signal-response. Finally, we demonstrate that 
ga9-null cells, which have been co-developed with a majority of wild-type 
cells, primarily establish cAMP signaling centers and are able to non-
autonomously direct wild-type cells to adopt a ga9-null-like phenotype.

Conclusions: We suggest that Ga9 functions in an inhibitory-feedback pathway 
that regulates cAMP signal center formation and propagation. Ga9 may be part 
of the mechanism that regulates lateral signal inhibition or that modulates 
receptor de-sensitization.


Cell polarity and locomotion, as well as endocytosis, depend on NSF.

Chris R.L. Thompson and Mark S. Bretscher
MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Hills Road, Cambridge CB2 2QH, England.

Development, in press

NEM-sensitive factor (NSF) is an essential protein required during membrane 
transport. We replaced part of the endogenous D. discoideum NSF gene (nsfA) 
by a pcr-mutagenised library and isolated 11 mutants temperature-sensitive 
(ts) for growth. Two of these have been studied in detail. As expected, both 
are ts for FITC-dextran uptake by macropinocytosis, for internalising their 
surface membrane (monitored with FM1-43) and for phagocytosis. However, 
after 10-20 minutes at 28C, they round up and cease to chemotax, move or 
cap ConA receptors. They fully recover when returned to 22C. These cells 
carry out a normal "cringe" reaction in response to cAMP, indicating that 
the actin cytoskeleton and this signal transduction pathway are still 
functional at 28C . The behaviour of these mutants shows that NSF-catalysed 
processes are required not only for the different endocytic cycles but also 
for the maintenance of cell polarity. As cell locomotion depends on a cell 
having a polarity, the mutants stop moving at high temperature. A tentative 
model is proposed to explain the surprising link between membrane recycling 
and cell polarity revealed here.
[End Dicty News, volume 18, number 11]